
Understanding the Headscissors Technique

The headscissors technique is a move used in many martial arts and combat sports. It is a way to control an opponent using your legs. This article will explain what headscissors is, how it is used, and why it is important.

What is the Headscissors Technique?

The headscissors technique is a grappling move where one person uses their legs to trap another person’s head. The legs wrap around the opponent’s head, making it hard for them to move. This move can be used in wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and other combat sports.

How is the Headscissors Performed?

To perform a head scissors, you need to have good control of your body and your legs. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Positioning: First, get close to your opponent. You can be on the ground or standing, depending on the situation.
  2. Trapping the Head: Use your legs to wrap around the opponent’s head. Make sure your legs are tight so the opponent cannot easily escape.
  3. Applying Pressure: Once the head is trapped, squeeze your legs together. This pressure can cause the opponent to submit (give up) or lose control.
  4. Control or Submission: You can hold the position to control the opponent or increase the pressure to make them submit.

Types of Headscissors

There are different ways to apply the head scissors technique. Here are some common types:

  • Standing Headscissors: This type is done while standing. The person traps the opponent’s head between their legs while standing over them. This is often seen in professional wrestling.
  • Side Headscissors: In this version, the person lies on their side and traps the opponent’s head sideways. This is common in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts).
  • Front Headscissors: Here, the person is facing the opponent and traps their head in a way that they are looking down. This can also be used to transition into other moves.

Why is the Headscissors Important?

The head scissors is an important technique because it can be very effective in controlling an opponent. Here are some reasons why it is useful:

  • Control: The head scissors can be used to hold an opponent in place. This is helpful in both defensive and offensive situations.
  • Submission: When applied correctly, the pressure from the headscissors can cause an opponent to submit. This makes it a valuable tool in combat sports.
  • Versatility: The head scissors can be used in different situations and positions. It can be adapted to many different styles of fighting.

How to Defend Against a Headscissors

While the head scissors is a powerful move, there are ways to defend against it. Here are some tips:

  • Stay Calm: It is important to stay calm and not panic if you are caught in a head scissors. Panicking can make it harder to escape.
  • Create Space: Try to create space between your head and the opponent’s legs. This can reduce the pressure and make it easier to escape.
  • Use Your Hands: Use your hands to push against the opponent’s legs. This can help you break free from the hold.
  • Roll Out: If possible, try to roll your body out of the position. This can help you escape the head scissors.

The Headscissors in Different Sports

The headscissors is used in many different sports. Let’s look at how it is applied in some popular sports:

  • Wrestling: In wrestling, the head scissors is often used to pin an opponent to the mat. Wrestlers may use this move to control their opponent and earn points.
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): In BJJ, the head scissors is used as a submission move. Practitioners use it to make their opponent tap out (submit). The move is often combined with other techniques for maximum effectiveness.
  • Mixed Martial Arts (MMA): In MMA, the headscissors can be used to control an opponent on the ground. It is often part of a ground-and-pound strategy, where the fighter controls the opponent’s head while delivering strikes.
  • Professional Wrestling: In professional wrestling, the head scissors is often used as a flashy move to entertain the audience. It is sometimes combined with flips or spins to make the move look more dramatic.

Training for Headscissors

If you want to learn the head scissors, it is important to practice. Here are some tips for training:

  • Flexibility: Flexibility in your legs is important for a good headscissors. Stretching and yoga can help improve flexibility.
  • Strength: Strong legs are key to applying effective pressure. Leg exercises like squats and lunges can help build the strength needed for headscissors.
  • Technique: Practicing the technique with a partner is important. Start slowly and focus on getting the positioning right. Over time, you can work on applying more pressure.
  • Safety: Always practice with safety in mind. The head scissors can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Make sure to train with a qualified instructor who can guide you.


The headscissors is a versatile and powerful technique used in many combat sports. It allows a person to control or submit their opponent using their legs. While it can be a difficult move to master, with practice and proper training, it can become an effective tool in any fighter’s arsenal. Whether you are a wrestler, BJJ practitioner, or MMA fighter, understanding and mastering the head scissors can give you an edge in competition.

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